xAI: Everything we know about Elon Musk’s new AI company

Elon Musk

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Elon Musk, the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, has established a fresh venture in the field of artificial intelligence called xAI. This marks his return to the AI industry after departing from OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT, a few years ago.

The creator of Twitter revealed the establishment of the fresh company through a tweet on Wednesday, indicating that its objectives are centered around comprehending the real world.

He chose not to disclose further information regarding the company's intentions, and the organization's website likewise does not provide substantial details apart from its goal of comprehending the genuine essence of the cosmos.

However, the startup made it clear that it is a distinct entity from "X Corp" - the rebranded name of the company previously referred to as Twitter.

Nevertheless, the company asserts on its webpage that it intends to collaborate closely with X Corp, Tesla, and enterprises owned by Mr. Musk, along with various other companies, in order to advance towards our overarching goal.

Despite xAI not providing much information about its objectives on its website, the first and only tweet from the company suggests that it intends to explore the profound queries that remain unanswered in the universe.

Additionally, the employees' names are disclosed on the organization's website, with Mr Musk at the helm and Dan Hendrycks, the advisor, heading the Centre for AI Safety.

The individuals featured on the company's employee roster are all of the male gender, and they have prior experience working at DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, Tesla, and the University of Toronto.

"In unison, we provided valuable inputs in developing some of the most popular techniques within this domain," xAI states on its webpage.

"Our employees have been actively involved in and spearheaded the advancements of several notable innovations within the domain, such as AlphaStar, AlphaCode, Inception, Minerva, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4," stated the company in reference to their team's accomplishments.

Additionally, while various organizations such as Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, as well as smaller companies and rivals from different nations like China, persistently pour substantial investments into AI advancements, Mr. Musk's latest endeavor is unveiled.

The individual with a massive fortune had previously partnered in establishing OpenAI in 2015, but departed the company in 2018 to refrain from any clashes with Tesla. This decision was made due to Tesla's independent artificial intelligence endeavors specifically aimed at enhancing the vehicles' autopilot feature.

After the successful introduction of the widely-used AI chatbot ChatGPT developed by OpenAI, the influential figure behind Tesla has also suggested during interviews that he intends to establish his own innovative artificial intelligence company.

During the month of April, he informed Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, about his intentions to create an AI known as "TruthGPT". He referred to it as an AI that would seek out the utmost truth.

Afterwards, an xAI declaration was released, urging the global community to focus on minimizing the risks associated with AI. This statement received support from notable figures in the technology sector. Additionally, it is rumored that Mr. Musk obtained a substantial number of GPU processors from Nvidia, seemingly with the intention of utilizing them for a sizeable language model such as ChatGPT.

The xAI team has scheduled a Twitter Spaces conversation for Friday, offering the opportunity for participants to "interact with our team and inquire about any queries," as mentioned on the company's website.

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