How a mom teaches son about investing while earning a second income


According to professionals, instilling the importance of investing in children at a young age plays a crucial role in shaping financially prosperous individuals. Keisha Cameron is accomplishing exactly that while also making a profit from her latest children's book, Ayedin Learns Investment.

Cameron, a new mom, has been recording her journey in becoming a mother through the series of books called Ayedin Learns. She started this venture three years back and the books star her adorable four-year-old son, Ayedin.

The staff member from VM Innovations, during an interview with Loop News, emphasized the significance of educating kids about more than just the value of money. They should also be taught about the benefits of long-term investment and grasping the concept that planning for their future from a young age is vital for achieving financial freedom.

Cameron expressed that during his formative years, he observed his peers engaging in discussions about making purchases for themselves. This curiosity led him to ponder how they obtained the necessary financial knowledge and access to such information, which seemed to elude him. However, with time, he came to the understanding that this information is indeed accessible to all; it is merely a matter of whether individuals have the means to obtain it.

According to her, the main purpose of her latest book, Ayedin Learns Investment, is to fill the void in knowledge dissemination, especially among kids.

"I don't want Ayedin to reach the age of 29 without acquiring knowledge about long-term investing or the opportunity of trading stocks. It was only a few years ago that I personally discovered the significance of trading, when it gained widespread attention," she expressed.

Ayedin and his mother, Keisha,

The book is being released during a period when adolescents and individuals in their early twenties are making substantial profits in the stock market, she argued, highlighting that 21-year-olds are able to embark on luxurious holidays thanks to their astute financial decision-making.

"She mentioned that the contrast between our generation, those above the age of 30, and the younger ones is their easy access to information," she stated. Furthermore, she expressed her determination as a mother to guarantee that her son acquires financial literacy and the necessary knowledge that will give him an advantage in life.

Ayedin Learns Investment employs a straightforward comparison, drawing similarities between a tiny apple seed that flourished into a majestic tree and produced delicious fruits. This analogy intends to impart the significance of wisely saving and investing to children, emphasizing the rewards it can yield in the future.

Cameron shared about the occurrence that sparked her third book, stating, "Ayedin's great-grandmother paid him a visit. Usually, she would bring him candies, but this time she opted to gift him some cash and took this chance to educate him on the significance of growing your money."

"She informed him about the concept of placing his money in an investment account with the aim of witnessing its gradual increment, subsequently utilizing it to acquire a desirable residence in the future."

The book also discusses the concept of having ownership in a business, using the child's preferred restaurant, which happens to be four years old, as a practical example.

Ayedin's Investment Education received sponsorship from VM Wealth, facilitating Cameron's publishing journey to be significantly smoother compared to her previous endeavor.

"They have a strong belief in instilling financial knowledge from an early age and are extremely supportive of their staff," she mentioned. Furthermore, she highlighted that the financial institution offered assistance in terms of both technical and financial information to ensure precision. Additionally, she mentioned that the book can now be purchased from Amazon.

Readers are also provided with additional money-saving tasks in the book, such as the 20-envelope and $50-dollar challenges. These activities aim to instill discipline in the art of saving for future aspirations.

"At some stage during our initial journey, he displayed great restlessness and a strong desire to utilize the funds contained within the envelopes for purchasing his beloved snack. However, over time, he assimilated the virtue of patience," Cameron remarked, highlighting the significant lesson garnered from investing.

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