Twitter for Android starts embracing the new X branding

Elon Musk

The fresh brand title is also permeating official Twitter accounts.

Twitter has experienced numerous alterations, some of which have completely transformed its core operations, while being led in a sporadic manner by Elon Musk. After making a sudden declaration during the weekend, the popular social media platform has decided to permanently discard the Twitter name and the well-known Larry T Bird symbol. The fresh X branding is swiftly replacing them and can already be seen across various platforms, including the Android Twitter app and certain official Twitter accounts.

Elon Musk - Figure 1

If you search for Twitter on the Google Play Store, you will notice the newly named X app instead, along with the developer now called X Corp for added impact. The refreshed app listing also features a fresh description and revised screenshots. However, these modifications have not been implemented in the stable app itself, which is still referred to as Twitter and remains one of the few remaining platforms to retain the bird symbol, even within the application.

In contrast, Twitter Beta v10 is heavily emphasizing the X branding. While the app is still referred to as Twitter (although this is expected to change in the near future), the app icon now fully incorporates the new X logo and also offers support for dynamic theming using Material You. If you want to give it a try, you can download the Twitter Beta from either the Play Store or APK Mirror. However, the Twitter Lite app designed for entry-level Android devices has not yet received any of these updates.

Elon Musk - Figure 2

Furthermore, a number of official Twitter accounts have also undergone a similar restructuring process. @X now serves as Twitter's new official handle, and Twitter Blue has been renamed as X Blue (although it remains black, surprisingly). The situation is the same with regards to Twitter's official support, developers, and API channels; they have either eliminated the use of the Twitter name or substituted it with X, as stated in a report. This transition seems to be taking place gradually as many Twitter pages, particularly the support sections, still retain the previous name.

Musk plans to transform Twitter X into an all-in-one application that goes beyond being just a typical social media platform. This super app will offer various services such as banking, extensive content, and even video chats. Essentially, Musk aims to replicate the success of WeChat in China. With the continuous changes happening within Twitter and Musk's strong interest in the letter X (reflected in previous ventures like PayPal's former name, SpaceX, xAI, and Tesla Model X), we can only wait and watch to see what the future holds for this social media platform.

Elon Musk - Figure 3
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